Privacy Policy

This website, AcquiSpeak, registered under the domain (hereinafter: the “Website”), may collect some personal data from you. This page represents the complete Privacy Policy of the Website, on which you will find how we collect, handle, and process your data, effective from 2 June 2022.

What Data We Collect

This Website collects the email addresses of users who opt in to join the mailing list.

All such data is provided by the user to the Website by means of consent.

How We Use Your Data

This Website collects the aforementioned data for the purposes of email marketing.

Should any provision of this Privacy Policy be modified, users who have signed up to this Website’s mailing list will also receive an email to notify them about the relevant modification or modifications.

All personal data collected from you by this Website will be used only for the purposes of the abovementioned provisions. All personal data will be retained strictly confidentially and will not be disclosed to any third-party entity.

Data Collection From Third-Party Websites

Pages on this Website may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from third-party websites behaves in the same manner as it would if you had visited the third-party website from which the embedded content originated.

These third-party websites may collect data about you on this Website, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and otherwise monitor your interaction with the embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Additionally, this Website maintains a commercial affiliation with the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which may collect usage data from you in the event that you visit that website from this Website. Amazon Services LLC Associates Program may also collect additional personal data about you if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

How Long We Retain Your Data

We retain for an indefinite period all personal information collected from users of our website who join the mailing list, namely their email addresses.

What Rights You Have Over Your Data

You may request to receive an exported file of all the personal data that we retain about you. You may also request that we erase any or all personal data that we retain about you.

All requests pertaining to your data should be made by means of this Website’s contact page in writing.

Where Your Data Will Be Stored

Your data will be stored in the servers of our hosting provider, which are located in the United States of America, namely in Los Angeles (California), and Ashburn (Virginia).